Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Almost complete but still a ways to go.

I am almost finished Don Quixote, YEAH. I am looking at Marcel Proust's IN SEARCH OF LOST TIME, and realized that it is a 6 book series. I may or may not read all 6 books. In fact I will read the first book and if I am enamored with it I may continue reading. I will review the first book, in this group of reading the 100. In fact, if I am supposed to read all six books then I would be reading the 105 books challenge. Anyway, when I complete this 100 books, I will probably change the blog name or maybe continue with the next 100 books I want to read. Thinking about this, I have read over 136 books since starting this blog, probably close to 150 and that does not count some books I did not critique.

Have a good holiday and I hope you receive all the books you want from your wish list.