I have just started this book and I have been trying to figure out where it is going in terms of plot, characters, etc. I think I need to stop speculating and just read the book. I did not take it with me to the beach as it is a library book and what if I left it behind, not that I have ever done that. Plus the picture on the cover of my copy is so sad, it did not belong at the beach. So I will give you some incidentals, copyright is 1940, first published in June 1940 by Houghton Mifflin Publishing. My copy was published in 2000 by First Mariner Books a division of Houghton Mifflin.
Characters so far include a two deaf mutes Mr. Singer and Mr. Antonapoulos, who were roommates. Mr. Antonapoulas ends up in a home at the beginning of the book. As I have said I am not far into the book. Other characters that look like they will take center stage are a girl named Mick who is almost an errand girl for her family. A man named Jake Blount who Mr. Singer takes in after he has a drunken bout. This is probably a temporary thing, but we will see. Also the bartender and his wife who have been dealing with Jake Blount. Mr. Blount has been so drunk that he did not even realize he was talking to a deaf mute and was just happy to have someone listen to his ravings, without comment.
We will see where this leads.
(For my beach read I went with a romance novel by Cathy Maxwell, "The Bride Says No." This was a fun read and is first part of a sequel. I met Cathy Maxwell at the Book and Author dinner that RAMA holds in Roanoke, she is a delightful and dynamic speaker. Her book was equally delightful and was just the right size for my beach trip.)
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