Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Gone Girl the Movie


If you have not read the book and plan to do not read this blog. If you have not seen the movie and plan to, you may not want to read the blog.

Wow, yesterday I went to this movie with my husband.
I kept telling him it was a dark book, but he had been intrigued by the trailers for the movie. He has told me now that he is going to remove all box cutters from the premises. Through out the movie theater there was an audible intake of breath on several parts, when they realized he had been set up, when she uses the hammer to sock herself in the face and when she uses the box cutter. They do not mess around with the graphic detail. Rosamund Pike plays a great psychopath, I would not want to cross her.,  Of course, the book talks more on the details of the past males she manipulated and especially her box cutter friend.

The one thing the movie and book did was make me look crimes in a new light. Sometimes there is more to a case and we sometimes overlook something, because it does not fit into a nice neat package. History has proven many times, that people stop looking for a criminal when someone else fits so nicely in the box. This does not happen too many times, but it makes you wonder about the hype of the media in skewering the wrong person, because it is too easy. Once you find out who the real culprit is you feel a great disdain for the media. Well done producers and directors.

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