Thursday, May 14, 2015

Heart of Darkness-midbook

I thought that I would pick up the HEART OF DARKNESS and just zip through it, but I have had to reread several passages. This story is started by the narrator and then is relinquished to Malone, who sits on deck of the boat and starts to tell his story about traveling to Africa. The problem I have is that I was trying to read this book to my husband on a trip and kept losing who was actually talking. There are places within the reminiscence that it jumps back to the narrator. So I was finding that I had to stop and figure it out. It reads better if you do not read out loud. The story does not really start until we actually arrive in Africa. I will be finished soon, I am halfway through the book that is only 107 pages long. So unless you have not guessed it the literal heart of darkness is the interior of Africa, but there is a psychological heart of darkness as well.

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