Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Howards End the Movie

Yesterday I borrowed from the library HOWARDS END the movie. They did not put all the extra things in like the bitterness towards Germany or delve to deeply in the politics regarding the poor. As in any movie, you do not hear the inner workings of the mind, but the actors did a pretty good job of displaying these emotions on there faces. With a cast like Emma Thompson, Helena Bonham Carter, Vanessa Redgrave and Anthony Hopkins you can't go wrong. However, it did seem rather drawn out, it was a 2 hour and 20 minute movie. It also fell flat with some of the explanations, especially why Helen was coming home after being so secretive. In the book you got a clear explanation but in the movie, it is really not answered, I had to explain to my husband why certain things occurred. Plus they used a weird technique in which we would be in the same scene but they would go black of a second and we would come back to the scene but the characters were in different positions. This would happen several times during that particular scene. All in all it was pretty true to the book, but seemed to lack energy.

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